Quitline Mobile App
Empowering healthcare providers and community health workers/promotores with mobile tools to educate their clients on tobacco is a critical component to reducing the use rate in the state.
- Easy to share content to help motivate tobacco cessation.
- The app provides a referral tool for tobacco cessation that can be used outside the healthcare environment when providers are at community health fairs or other educational events.
- The app can also be used by Community Health Workers/ Promotores (CHWs) who provide health education in the home.
- The user can toggle between Spanish and English languages to share content with the community.
- Content is easy to share regardless of literacy level, to help increase the comfort level of anyone attempting to motivate others to quit.
- Video training and information links are also provided to support motivational interviewing.
- Educational resources appropriate for both lay healthcare workers to medical specialist are available within the app.
- The app is HIPAA-compliant. Secure fax referral is used to transfer data to the Quitline.
- Referrals are securely encrypted and stored on the device when Wi-Fi is not available and sent when an internet signal is available. The protected health information cannot be viewed on the device again after being submitted.
- Redacted referral information is stored for tracking purposes.
The content is built upon trusted health education resources like CDC and the American Cancer Society webistes. Links are provided to references and additional content is available to extend the information provided by the app.